Dr Khairul (Kai) Anwar Ismail – Paediatrician
MBBS (Melb), BMedSc, PGDipSurgAnat, DCH, M:PaedMed (Syd), FRACP
Dr Kai is an experienced paediatrician based in Southport and Tugun, and he is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Division of Paediatrics and Child Health).
Kai completed his medical training at Melbourne University and then specialised in general paediatrics through the Gold Coast University Hospital, Queensland Children Hospital and regional hospitals in Queensland and northern New South Wales. He has done extra time in developmental paediatrics, acute care, and neonatology during his training. This gave Kai broader paediatric training in both rural and metro hospitals.

- Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Melbourne University
- Bachelor of Medical Science, Melbourne University
- Postgraduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy, Melbourne University
- Diploma of Child Health (DCH), Sydney University
- Master in Medicine: Paediatric Medicine, Sydney University
- Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Division of Paediatrics and Child Health), Australia
Kai has a strong interest in research and education. He holds the title of Honorary Adjunct Senior Lecturer and Academic Lecturer at Bond and Griffith University. He has also been actively involved in clinical research at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne.
Kai is also an Instructor and the Chairman of the Governing Faculty with Australasian Paediatric Advanced Life Support (APALS).
- Shortlisted for Queensland RACP Trainee Research Awards (Paediatrics and Child Health), 2020
- Poster of Distinction at Digestive Disease Week 2012, San Diego, AGA Institute, (International), 2012
- ALVAREZ Award at International Electro-Gastrography Society Workshop, California, (International), 2012
- Shortlisted for Hospital Medical Officer Research Award, Barwon Health, Deakin University (University), 2012
- Best Poster Presentation in the clinical models in neuroscience category, Howard Florey Institute, Centre for Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, (International), 2011
- Garnier KA, Ismail KA, Moylan S, Harvey R. Thyroid function testing in an inpatient mental health unit, Australasian Psychiatry, Vol 24 (3) pg 256-260. Dec 2015
- Hutson JM,Southwell BR,Li R,Lie G,Ismail K,Harisis G,Chen N. The regulation of testicular descent and the effects of cryptorchidism. Endocr Rev, Vol 34 (5), pg. 725-752, Oct 2013
- Khairul A Ismail, Asha Searle, Duncan MacGregor, John Hutson. Changes in the length and diameter of the normal appendix throughout childhood. J Pediatr Surg, Vol 48 (7), pg. 1535-1539, July 2013
- Yee Ian Yik, Khairul A Ismail, John M Hutson, Bridget R Southwell. Treatment-Resistant Slow-Transit Constipation (STC) in Children Can Be Improved With Home-Based Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation (TES). Gastroenterology, Vol 3 (155), pg S-399, 2013
- Yee Ian Yik, Khairul A Ismail, John M Hutson, Bridget Southwell. Home-based transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TES) improved symptoms and reduced laxative use in slow-transit constipation (STC) children. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol 27, pg S-156, Oct 2012
- Yee Ian Yik, Khairul A Ismail, John M Hutson, Bridget R Southwell. 2012. Home transcutaneous electrical stimulation to treat children with slow-transit constipation. J Pediatr Surg, Vol 47 (6) pg 1285-1290, June 2012
- Chase, Janet W; Clarke, Melanie CC; Gibb, Susan M; Catto-Smith, Anthony G; Robertson, Val J; King, Sebastian K; Ismail, Khairul A; Reilly, Daniel J; Chow, Chee S; Ian Y Yik; Ansari, Humaira; Simpson, Di; Hutson John M; Southwell Bridget. ‘Trans-abdominal Electrical Stimulation Increases Colonic Activity in Paediatric Slow Transit Constipation. American Journal of Gastroenterology.
- Khairul A Ismail , Janet Chase, Susie Gibb, Melanie Clarke, Anthony G Catto-Smith, Val J Robertson, John M Hutson, Bridget R Southwell. ‘Transabdominal Electrical Stimulation at Home to Relieve Chronic Constipation in Children: A Pilot Study. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Vol 44, pg 2388-2392, Dec 2009